Graydient AI
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Try PollyGPT for free – chat and generate images, our easiest tool for beginners. Members can create their own bots with custom personalities, memories and skills.
Create realistic AI social media influencers with incredible detail using our next-gen Flux workflows
Create high-res AI Images with the top 10,000+ unlocked models like FLUX Unchained, Flux fine-tunes, PONY, StableDiffusion 3, XL, 1.5: Lightning / Turbo / Hyper / LCM.
Unlimited. No per-image fees. Create & Chat with fast cloud render on all of your devices, even your old potato PC and smart phone. 750GB of cloud storage!
Import ComfyUI workflows or try our community-created ones. Run ComfyUI workflows on your smartphone or PC via Stable2go, Telegram, or our REST API
Train unlimited models with your own photos, then render in any style – realistic, painting, anime & more
Remove backgrounds or objects and replace/retouch any image
Use LLMs online unlimited and free including Llama3 & Mixtral
Upscale photographs by 4X, making old images look new
as seen in
Unlimited AI tokens
No per-image fees or chat limits. Enjoy us all day, worry free
Royalty Free
The world's best open source models with generous royalty-free licensing
Easy to use
The best open source AI image and large language models without any of the technical setup
Create. Your way.
What is Graydient?
Graydient is the AI platform for everyone.
We create tools for AI enthusiasts and developers.
Fast AI anywhere, even old phones and laptops.
Try it:
Enjoy unlimited AI. Chat with AI, create AI images, & train models. Free trials
No code and hosted. Build an AI “wrapper”. Templates & Plans
Add a few lines of code, run AI models. API capabilities
curl -v \ \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer __YOUR_TOKEN__" \ -d '{ "prompt":"an elephant wearing a hat /images:1", "callback_url": "" }'