Learn AI with a professional coach – Get 1-on-1 training
Learn AI with a real (human) specialist
Get private, one-on-one AI coaching online and quickly improve your skills
Talk to a real life person about AI, whatever you’re creating. Our educators are not AI bots, but we can teach you how to make those. Talk to a real pros and get the results you want faster! Feel free to email or chat with us if you have presale questions.
You can pay today and schedule it at another time, you don’t have to take the class today. When you purchase a Class Credit, you’ll get access to calendar, and choose a convenient time for you. Class Credits do not expire, you can use them anytime.
Of course, if we cannot find a time to schedule your class, we’ll send a full refund. Your satisfaction is important to us.
One Class
Four Classes
Professor Prompt is a retired educator and is passionate and dedicated to helping beginners unlock the power of artificial intelligence — for learners of all backgrounds. With a deep love for both teaching and technology, the Professor believes that AI isn’t just for experts—it’s for anyone curious enough to learn! Through clear explanations, real-world examples, and hands-on guidance, the Professor will help you bypass the steep learning curve with his simple and effective methods. Professor Prompt would love to help you unleash your creative spirit! Whether you are an absolute beginner or an existing member looking to deepen your knowledge Professor Prompt is here to help you.
“EGGS BENADRYL” – As an experienced artist and prompt engineer, I’m excited to offer personalized 1-on-1 AI art training sessions. My handle is Eggs-Benadryl, and I specialize in realism and oil painting styles that bring your artwork to life. I have worked directly with the Pirate Diffusion team for over a year and currently co-host the Pirate Diffusion Show podcast showing new features and advanced techniques.
Throughout our sessions, we’ll work together to unlock your creative potential. With a strong foundation in advanced techniques such as IP-adapters and ControlNet, I can help you navigate the technical aspects of AI art software. Whether you’re looking to improve your skills or explore new mediums, I’m committed to providing guidance and support every step of the way.
By working together, we can create stunning artworks that showcase your unique style and vision. If you’re passionate about AI art and creative expression, I’d love to collaborate with like-minded individuals on this artistic journey.
Terms of Use
Class Credits do not expire, you can use them anytime. You can purchase a class for yourself or someone else and use it at any time. All sales are final on classes – the instructor’s time is not refundable.
Classes are intended for adults, as our software is not intended for children due to the unpredictable nature of Generative AI (trained on the public internet). Children under the age of 18 must appear with a guardian. Please refer to the Graydient terms of use for more information.
Cancellations & Refusals
After you have applied a Class Credit to a Calendar Booking, you can cancel 24 hours before the class is scheduled. Same-day cancellations are not refundable. A class cannot be rescheduled more than 3 times, it will be forefeit. Our instructors will be waiting for you and on time, please return the courtesy!