
Uploading and Remixing images

Remix is a near-magical command that completely transforms one image into another one.


When to use Remix:

  • Changing an image’s art style by selecting a different model
  • Changing the basic shape of an object to something else
  • Changing the face and clothes of a character to a different person
  • Transforming a realistic photo into an illustration

Limitations and similar commands:

  • Remix works with the pixels and colors in the uploaded or selected image. To change or recolor a part of the image, use Inpaint.
  • The More command is intended for variations of a similar thing, whereas Remix is better for big changes
  • Remix changes every pixel. To keep certain parts of the photo, like the face, use Inpaint instead
  • If you’re trying to transform a drawing into a real image, use ControlNet instead

How to use Remix in Telegram

Step 1

First, drag or attach your photo into Telegram.  Alternative, you can render an image.

When uploading an image, Telegram may ask if you want to compress the photo. Always say Yes.  

Samsung Phone users: Use the file manager to go directly to the file, instead of using the shortcut. 

This doesn’t affect the picture quality, it just informs the bot that it’s not an attachment type.

Step 2

On desktop, that’s right click. On your mobile, it might be long touch. Then click reply. A dialogue box to type will appear at the bottom of your screen.  This is where the remix command goes, along with your prompt.  Example:

/remix clown shoes <sdxl>

Note the special brackets around the word Pixar in the step above. Learning this is part unlocks of the most powerful features of our app. Those words in brackets are special trigger words that call a full AI model (5gb + file) that happens to be named Pixar when we uploaded it, so it isn’t an ordinary tag.

You can use these special reserved trigger words to target that AI model’s specific visual style. Here is a list of trigger words and their respective concepts.

In this example, we are targeting the <pixar> concept and telling /remix that we want clown shoes.

And the results are instant and awesome.

Use this technique for doing things like changing a real person’s face into an AI avatar cartoon or anime (works great with concepts like <deliberate2> and <level4>, turn real photos into oil paintings, and vice versa.

Remix is destructive, meaning it will change every single pixel, and is unlikely to preserve the original likeness of faces. To do things like change only change someone’s clothes, use inpainting instead.


You can continue doing this until you land on the image you want.  Here are some more examples of using Remix to transfer style



Problem: No response at all from remix

Most common reasons:

Very small images under 512×512 and very long aspect ratios don’t work. Use a larger image and something along the lines of 16:9, 4:3, or 1:1.

Rendered that have parameter typos in the command cannot be selected.  If you definitely selected the image but it still says “please select an image”, there was something off about that render, like joined parameters.  To get around a bad render that can’t be selected, copy and paste the image as a fresh image into the chat, and remix that image instead.

If the bot is not responding at all, and never has

It most likely means the bot does not have administrator privileges yet, as shown below:

The group owner must edit the group, edit administrators, and add PirateDiffusion as an administrator, and then use the /email command to give that group rendering perks again.

Important — images previously sent to the room before the bot was an administrator cannot be read by the bot. , so delete the image and load it again after the bot is an admin.

If that was not the cause, check the file size and physical dimensions of the image. You can downres a file like this:

/facelift /photo /size:768×768

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