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Selected works, created with Graydient

- Image and text generated & upscaled with Graydient in 34 seconds -
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Example chatbots, created by our community

Bring any character to life. Nothing to install, no tech knowledge required. Chat with characters made by our community, and create your own. 

Momma (demo)
Kind & bubbly anime mom

Polly (demo)
Tells pirate jokes, makes cool images

Baka Sensei (demo)
We trained him wrong on purpose

Wobble (demo)
Overly enthusiastic positivity buddy

Hashtagger (demo)
A helpful social media bot

Realistic bots (members)
Lifelike characters! Ask for a selfie

Try Graydient unlimited.
No per-image or LLM fees. Freedom to try it all.

Example AI images, created by our community

We make it easy. You can start from scratch (or) choose one of these amazing images as a starting point. 

Just change a few words, click Render, and a brand new image will appear. Master our tools and make anything from scratch.


One platform, many communities

Graydient’s main focus is to create amazing AI tools for images as well as custom chat bots, but we’re also platform that has launched so many independent, self-governed creator communities. Anyone can create a group and topics within our community, and those sovereign groups are publishing galleries about the things they are into. We’ll help you can find your people. Thousands of images are created *every hour* by topics, tags, and channels.


Chart your own course or make some friends

Of course, you can use our platform solo, but also check out what others are creating for endless daily inspiration. Also, we know not everyone shares our obsession for all-things AI. We totally get that. Of course, we can’t make all of your family members interested in AI, but one of the best reasons to join Graydient is our community — people that definitely share this enthusiasm. Get started today, you’ll see. And we have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee after all — try us risk free and see for yourself.


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Try Graydient unlimited.
No per-image or LLM fees. Freedom to try it all.